Zone Plays

Zone Basketball Plays


Offense vs 1-1-3 Zone - 4 Low, Ball Screen for 3 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 1-3-1 Zone - 1-2-2 Set, Post Up for 4 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 1-3-1 Zone - 2-3 Set, Lob for 4 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 1-3-1 Zone - Ball Screen for 1 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 1-3-1 Zone - Corners

Offense vs 1-3-1 Zone - Motion Offense Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 1-3-1 Zone - Post Up for 4 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 1-3-1 Zone - Post Up for 5 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 1-3-1 Zone - Skip Pass Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - 1-2-2 Set, Lob for 2 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - 1-2-2 Set, Lob for 3 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - 1-2-2 Set, Screen for 3 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - 1-2-2 Set, Shot for 1

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - 1-3-1 Set, High-Low Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - 1-3-1 Set, Screen for 4 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - 1-3-1 Set, Shot for 2 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - 1-4 Set, Shot for 2 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - 2-1-2 Set, Screen for 4 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - 2-1-2 Set, Screen for 4 (option 2) Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - 4 Low, Overload Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - 4 Out, Overload Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - 4 Out, Post Up for 4 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - 4 Out, Post Up for 5 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - 4 Out, Shot for 2

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - 4 Out, Shot for 2 (Option 2) Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - 4 Out, Shot for 2 (Option 3) Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - 4 Out, Shot for 3 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - 4 Out, Screen for 4

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - 5 Out, Shot for 1 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - Ball Screen

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - Corner Shot Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - Corners Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - Dive for 5 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - Double Ball Screen

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - Double Screen for 1 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - High-Low Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - Line, Ball Screen for 2

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - Post Entry Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 2-3 Zone - Shot for 2 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 3-2 Zone - 1-3-1 Set Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 3-2 Zone - 1-3-1 Set (option 2) Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 3-2 Zone - 1-4 Set (option 1) Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 3-2 Zone - 1-4 Set (option 2)

Offense vs 3-2 Zone - 4 Low, Overload Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 3-2 Zone - 4 Out, Overload Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 3-2 Zone - 4 Out, Post Up for 5 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 3-2 Zone - 5 Out, Shot for 1 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 3-2 Zone - Motion Offense Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 3-2 Zone - Overload

Offense vs 3-2 Zone - Overload (option 2) Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 3-2 Zone - Overload (option 3) Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 3-2 Zone - Post Up for 5 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 3-2 Zone - Shot for 1 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 3-2 Zone - Shot for 2 (option 1) Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs 3-2 Zone - Shot for 2 (option 2) Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs Any Zone - 1-2-2 Set Motion Offense Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs Any Zone - 4 Out Motion Offense Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs Any Zone - 5 Out Motion Offense (option 1)

Offense vs Any Zone - 5 Out Motion Offense (option 2) Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Offense vs Any Zone - High-Low

Offense vs Any Zone - Overload Coach Calls Timeout Lock

When the focus is your guard who can shoot.

Without seeing your players and their skillsets, it is difficult to recommend plays that will work for your team against a box and one. I've tried to narrow it down so you can make decisions based on the skills your players possess.

Using your best guard as a screener first...

In general, against a box and one I love using the person that’s being denied (your best guard) as a screener. Nobody is there to help or switch. If a good screen is set it’s as good as setting a screen on two people. Unfortunately, that leaves you with your less skilled players to make plays but hopefully they will have lots of space to do some damage and force your opponent to get out of that defense.

1-3-1 Set - Shot for 2 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

1-2-2 Set - Shot for 2 Coach Calls Timeout Lock

1-2-2 Set - Shot for 3 Coach Calls Timeout Lock - your best guard is the ‘3’.

Using double screens (the screeners’ defenders may cheat and leave the screener open)…

4 Out - Shot for 2 (option 2) Coach Calls Timeout Lock

4 Out - Shot for 1 (option 1) Coach Calls Timeout Lock - your best guard is the ‘1’.

Horns - Shot for 2 (option 2) Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Horns - Shot for 3 (option 2) Coach Calls Timeout Lock - your best guard is the ‘3’.

Thinking a bit outside the box, put your best guard in the high post for these plays (the ‘4’ location)…

Horns - Shot for 4 (option 2) Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Horns - Shot for 4 (option 3)

This 5 out motion offense is great against man defense, zone defense and box and one or face guarding – especially if you’re going positionless. I’d stick with progression 1 and 2 only...

5 Out - Motion Offense

If your best guard is a good driver...

Horns - Shot for 2 (option 1)

When the focus is your post player.

I usually recommend using a man to man offense against a box and one, but your situation is unique since they are focused on your post player.

As I mentioned above, against a box and one I love using the person that’s being denied (your post player) as a screener. Nobody is there to help or switch. If a good screen is set it’s as good as setting a screen on two people. Unfortunately, that leaves you with your less skilled players to make plays but hopefully they will have lots of space to do some damage and force your opponent to get out of that defense.

Continuous offenses…

Offense vs Any Zone, 5 Out Motion Offense (option 2) Coach Calls Timeout Lock

5 out motion offenses that will spread out the box and force the defense to adjust or switch to something else. I’d stick with progression 1 only:

Offense vs Any Zone, 5 Out Motion Offense (option 1)

Traditional high-low offenses may work as well. When the ball goes to the middle make sure you add cutters going to the basket. Most defenders turn and look at the ball when it goes to the middle and are susceptible to back door cuts…

Offense vs Any Zone, High-Low

Offense vs Any Zone, 1-2-2 Set Motion Offense Coach Calls Timeout Lock

Overload one side of the box and have your post player away from the overload…

Offense vs Any Zone, Overload Coach Calls Timeout Lock

The flex motion offense may work as well…

Flex Offense Coach Calls Timeout Lock

A couple quick hitters with your post player setting a ball screen. I like these options because there is nobody to guard the ball handler if a good screen is set…

1-4 Set - Double Ball Screen (option 2)

This play is showing a 2-3 zone defense but the play itself will be good for a box and one as well:

Offense vs 2-3 Zone, Line, Ball Screen for 2

Go to Man to Man Plays


** For simplicity we show all our plays in the traditional sense:

  • 1 = point guard
  • 2 = shooting guard
  • 3 = small forward
  • 4 = power forward
  • 5 = center

However, we absolutely do not recommend staying in that box. If you see a play that we have illustrated for a shooting guard but you’d rather put your great shooting center in that role then that’s what you should do. Adaptability will be key to your success as a coach.