DAY 4: 5 Day Coaching Challenge
Welcome to Day 4 of your 5 Day Coaching Challenge with Coach Calls Timeout. Today, you’re getting a motivational quote from John Wooden, two set plays against man to man defense, a breathing exercise that will improve your focus and a few downloads to help you stay on the same page as the parents and guardians of your players to minimize conflicts (and arm-chair coaching).
Here are your resources for the day…
Motivational Quote

Setting Your Intention
As a coach, you have a ridiculous amount of to-do list items in your head (too many are not basketball-related) and even more racing thoughts about what has happened or may happen. Use this breathing exercise to slow your mind and deliberately choose how you want to approach your day.
I know, I know… you’re too busy to sit down and ‘do nothing’. Trust me, once you start meditating and seeing and feeling the benefits (positivity, clarity, focus, patience, energy) you will find time to fit meditation into your schedule. It only takes a few minutes and everyone around you will benefit too.
Give it a shot and let me know how it goes.
Avoiding Issues With Parents
Setting realistic expectations with your parent/guardian group from the very beginning of the season is critical to a stress-free, enjoyable season. I’ve created three questionnaires (beginning, mid-season and end of season) for parents and guardians that will help you understand their expectations, gain feedback and get you all on the same page. It’s also a great way to build trust from day one.
The results of the first survey (Beginning of Season) will help you manage unrealistic expectations before they build into unnecessarily negative energy. This will require direct and honest conversations from you. The earlier you get on the same page with parents and guardians, the less energy you’ll use solving problems throughout the season.
A word of caution, similar to the players surveys, there is a natural tendency to disagree with the negative feedback, get defensive or discount that feedback. Try to avoid that response. First take an honest look at yourself to determine if that feedback is fair. You may need to ask family or friends to help with your self reflection.
Obviously, not every parent or guardian is involved in their children’s experiences. Don’t discount their feedback, there is always room for discussion to learn more about their position. Ultimately that’s what will get everyone on the same page and allow parents and guardians to trust the direction you’re taking the team and their children.
Below are the surveys, I’ve given you the Word documents so you can easily add messaging from the coaches at the end of the questionnaire.
Download the questionnaires:
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1-2-2 Set vs Man – Double Screens for Shooting Guard (option 2)
Keys to success: ‘2’ must wait until ‘4’ and ‘5’ are ready to set a screen. ‘4’ and ‘5’ make themselves available after setting the screen should their defenders cheat. ‘3’ must dribble towards top of key to create space for ‘2’.
Elapsed Time: 5-10 seconds.
Helpful Drills: Reading defense drills; Shooting drills.
1-4 Set vs Man – Double Ball Screen
Keys to success: Reading and reacting to the defense is key. Take what the defense gives you. ‘2’ must clear through key prior to ball screen.
Elapsed Time: 5-10 seconds.
Helpful Drills: Reading defense drills; Passing drills; Shooting drills; Finishing drills; Post Play drills.
We’re already at the end of Day 4, can you believe it?! Remember to Check your email tomorrow, the resources for Day 5, the last day, will arrive at 6:00 AM.
Please help other coaches by spreading the word about this challenge, what did you enjoy about Day 4? Share your thoughts, it could help other coaches in a similar situation.

Tomorrow is the last day, see you then.
Dan Jonker
Coach Calls Timeout