Basketball Fundraiser: Super Bowl Squares

6 Easy Steps To Create A Successful Basketball Fundraiser
The Super Bowl is fast approaching and there is no bigger sporting spectacle in North America. Let’s take advantage of the interest and hunger to win prizes and run a successful (and quick) basketball fundraiser.
Everyone’s basketball program could use extra money. We constantly get questions from coaches on the best fundraising ideas. I’m about to explain a great basketball fundraiser, Super Bowl Squares, that everyone will enjoy and best of all it doesn’t involve door to door sales or guilt-ridden pleas in a mass email.
The Super Bowl is on Sunday, February 11 so you have enough time to set this up and make it successful. You should be able to raise $1,000 with only a few emails and a bit of organization (this article will help you get organized). Follow this six step lesson to create a fun, interactive and successful fundraiser.
STEP 1: MAKE A 10 x 10 GRID.
Below is a grid that you will need to get yourself familiar with – don’t worry the following explanation will make it clear.
There are 100 available squares to purchase. You must decide a value for each square, I find it works best to make each square $20 (people can split one square or purchase multiple squares if they desire).
When a square is purchased the name of the person/people go in that square. Make sure you read the tip at the end of this article regarding payment deadline.
Once all 100 squares are purchased you randomly assign (I choose them out of a hat with someone watching) a number from 0-9 for each of the horizontal and vertical yellow areas (rows and columns). Do not assign numbers until after the squares have been purchased. It needs to be like a lottery for this to be fair and to ensure people will want to purchase the last squares.
Your Super Bowl Square is now complete. It’s best to let people know ahead of time when the final copy will be distributed (preferably the Friday before the Super Bowl) so they know it is a fair process.
Now to explain how winners are determined and how much of the $2,000 (100 squares at $20 each) your basketball program raises.
At the end of each Super Bowl quarter there is a winner; the score determines the winners. If the AFC team is winning 14-6 at the end of the first quarter then the winner is the person with the square AFC-4 and NFC-6 (see below image). An important note to make is that only the last number of the score is considered so if the AFC team has 4, 14, 24, 34, 44, 54, and so on, it means the AFC team has 4.
So if the score is 14-0 for the AFC team at the end of the half, the winning square is AFC-4 and NFC-0. Alice N is the halftime winner.
Each quarter has a new winner and for dramatic purposes it works best to split the winnings similar to this (assuming a $20 price per square):
First quarter: $100
Halftime: $200
Third quarter: $100
End of game: $600
That’s a total prize amount of $1,000 and your program keeps the remaining $1,000.
Some final thoughts:
If your squares fill up quickly feel free to start a second grid and double up on your fundraiser!
If you only get 85 squares filled up then you can fill in the remaining 15 squares with your basketball program’s name in them. If those squares win it is a bonus amount for your program – it also means you are not getting the full $2,000 for the fundraiser. Do not change the amount of the winnings after people have entered, they entered the contest assuming a certain pay-out. Changing that amount is not fair to them. With 85 entries at $20 each, you would have a total pool of $1,700. The winnings remain the same as above and your program keeps $700, unless one of the 15 remaining squares with your program end up winning, it is a bonus. So technically, your program could take home $1,700 – try explaining that one to everyone!
Coach’s Tip:
Do yourself a favor and enforce a payment deadline. There is nothing worse than chasing people for money when they know they have already lost. If payment is not received by that time your basketball program’s name goes in the square, unless you have a wait list or a quick replacement available.
To make it easier for you I’ve included a template of the grid, just click the button below to download it. All you have to do is add your program’s name in a couple of locations.
DOWNLOAD FREE EXCEL FILE** If you’re having trouble downloading this file (sometimes iPhones can be stubborn), just send me a message and I’ll email it to you.
Best of luck!
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